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Part 2

Wednesday 2 February 2011


Environment Add Url, Link Exchange

Three different listing options to add your environment related site to the Environment Links Directory:

1. Free listing by linking back to our site.

  1. Link back to us is required
  2. Submission is usually processed in 48 hours or less.
  3. The page with your link back to us must be accessible through your site navigation.
  4. The link back to us must come from the site you are submitting.
Click here for our linking code and/or image linking options.
After you link to us then submit your site information by email at with your site details.

2. You can pay a one-time $4.99 (US dollars) review fee (via PayPal).

  1. One time processing fee. No recurring charges.
  2. Submission is usually processed in 48 hours or less.
  3. No return link to us required.
If you add you site via this method don't forget to also submit your site details by email at

3. Sponsored Listing: $9.99 (US dollars) for 90 days.

  1. Sponsored listings will be given preferential placement on the category pages before the free listings. Sponsored listings will be placed at the top of your site's category and also on the homepage under Featured Sites for 90 days. Sponsored listings will be placed in the order they are purchased.
  2. Submission is usually processed in 48 hours or less.
  3. No return link to us required.
  4. At the end of the 90 day period your site will be included in the directory with no reciprocal link required, but will no longer be given preferential placement, unless you renew your sponsored listing.

Step 1: Guidelines for Addition to the Environment Links Directory

Regardless of whichever listing option you choose, your site will still need to be related to the environment and be a quality site to get listed. Most quality Web sites that are on topic are approved and added within 48 hours or sooner.
Failure to follow the guidelines may result in your Web site being declined.
Please check the following:
  1. Is your site related to the environment, environmental issues, or alternative energy?
  2. Does your site offer good content that does not rely on only affiliate links?
  3. Is your site free of any programming that redirects, mirrors or doorways any other sites or pages?
  4. Have you checked to see if your site is already included in this directory?
  5. Is your site free of any adult material that is unsuitable for younger viewers?
If you've answered all questions with a "Yes", you may continue to step two.

Step 2: To Add Site to the Environment Links Directory

To add your environment related site please e-mail us at or use the site submission form below. We will need the following information:
  1. The url to your Web site so that we may link to you and review your site
  2. Your e-mail address
  3. Your Site's Title (link text)
  4. A description of your site
  5. The category that you feel your site belongs in
  6. The url where you have placed your link to us (unless you have paid the $4.99 review fee)
If you have linked back to us from your site you may skip the Paypal payment below.

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