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Part 2

Friday 21 January 2011

Internet Society Plans World IPv6

Internet Society Plans World IPv6 Day in June

With the supply of IPv4 Internet addresses nearly depleted, the Internet Society is planning a global day of events to promote the transition to IPv6.
IPv4 addressing space is not long for this world. The pool of available addresses is nearly depleted. And yet, the transition to IPv6 has been sluggish.
But later this year, in an effort to promote the viability of the new addressing system, the Internet Society is planning to host World IPv6 Day.
"What will happen on IPv6 Day is websites will enable IPv6 on their front doors," said Leslie Daigle, chief Internet technology officer at the Internet Society. "So anybody that has IPv6 capabilities that goes to the participating sites will be able to reach them over IPv6, without any special configuration or addresses."
The Internet Society bills its June 8 event as an opportunity to air out the configuration issues that might arise for operating systems with IPv6 capabilities enabled, and take a step closer to the transition that, like it or not, is coming in short order.
"This will be a learning opportunity for all concerned to see what, if anything doesn't work and perhaps most importantly - to see what really does work," Daigle said. Enterprise Networking Planet reports on the Internet Society's World IPv6 Day.

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