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Part 2

Sunday 2 September 2012

Lovers joke

Joke :Lovers joke

Boy: Marry me.. ?
Girl: Do you have a house.. ?
Boy: No..
Girl: Do you have a BMW car.. ?
Boy: No..
Girl: How much is your salary.. ?
Boy: No salary.. but,..
Girl: No but. You have nothing..
How can i marry you.?? Leave please.!!

Boy: (talk to himself) I have one villa,
3 property lands,
3 Ferrari, 2 Porsche..
Why I still need to buy BMW.?!
How can I get the salary when actually
I'm the BOSS.. :p

Joke :Lovers joke

1st Man: Which Is The Best Month
To Get Married..?

2nd Man: Octemb ruary..

1st Man: Don't Be Silly,
There Is No Such Month

2nd Man: Exactly..

Joke :Lovers joke

New Style Of Break- Up !!  

A Bf Threw 6 Cricket Balls At His Gf...

Girl Yelled "What Was That For"..

Boy Said "Its Over" !

Joke :Lovers joke

A successful man is one who makes 
more money than his wife can spend.
A successful woman is one who
can find such a man.

Joke :Lovers joke

Two bachelors were talking about their 
respective choice of life partner. One
friend said,'It is generally said that
people with opposite characteristics
make the happiest marriages. What is
your opinion ?
The friend replied,'Yes, they are right.
That is why I am looking for a girl with a money!'

Joke :Lovers joke


Joke :Lovers joke

Good Girls are
found in every
corner of the
Earth Is Round.

Joke :Lovers joke

Boy  : How can I tell her I love her?
Girl : Just do it! It’ll be fine!
Boy : Okay, let’s practice with you first.
Girl : Great…
Boy : …I love you
Girl : I love you too…. See?!
It’s so easy, go tell her now!
Boy : I just did…

Joke :Lovers joke

Q: What is the difference between 
motorbike and boyfriend?
A: Well, bike is first kicked than
used and boyfriend is first used than

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