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Part 2

Sunday 16 September 2012

Anti-Islamic Film Fuels Attack on Libyan Consulate, U.S. Ambassador Killed

Anti-Islamic Film Fuels Attack on

 Libyan Consulate, U.S. Ambassador Killed

The anti-Islamic film Innocence of Muslims caused an uproar among followers of the religion resulting in the attack on the U.S. consulate in the city of Benghazi, Tuesday (Sept. 11) night. Four Americans were killed, one of which was U.S. Ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens, who is believed to have died of smoke inhalation, following the attack.
President Obama addressed the situation Wednesday (Sept. 12) vowing that  “justice will be done,” while maintaining that those involved will not be looked at for their religion but rather for committing a crime.
Written, directed, and produced by a California-based property developer , Sam Becile, the piece depicts Prophet Muhammad in a negative light, and calls Islam “a cancer.” According to the 52-year-old Israeli-American, the film is not an attack on Islam. “The movie is a political movie,” he told the Wall Street Journal from an undisclosed location. “It's not a religious movie.”
Becile made the film for $5 million thanks to funding from roughly 100 Jewish donors, over three months in 2011.
A trailer for the film hit the ‘Net in July, but has  just recently picked up steam, with protesters in Egypt and Libya publicly damning the disrespectful depiction which makes a mockery of the religion's most noted figure. Egypt's Coptic Christian community shed light on the film's 13-minute trailer, angering Muslim opponents.  The prophet is portrayed as “a child of uncertain percentage, a buffoon, a womanizer, a homosexual, a child molester, and a greedy, bloodthirsty thug,” according to one report.
More than 55,000 people have viewed the English trailer on YouTube, with some  condemning the depiction, while others made note of the amateur production. “Did people really have to die for this poorly produced movie?” wrote on commenter.
Given the timing of the incident, coming on the 11th anniversary of 9/11, the obvious religious overtones will likely be a force driving some of the public's opinions on the death of Stevens being a Muslim terrorist plot.
No matter your beliefs, the clip is truly disrespectful and further proof of the longstanding war on Islam, in a post-9/11 world.


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