Wednesday 2 February 2011

Annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE)

See also

* Annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE)
* Biofuel
* Brushless wound-rotor doubly-fed electric machine
* Daylighting
* Ecolabel
* Energy saving
* Energy crisis
* Energy monitoring and targeting
* Energy recovery
* Fuel efficiency
* Green building
* Green computing
* Heat Pump
* High temperature insulation wool
* Lighting
* List of low-energy building techniques
* Low Carbon Communities
* Low energy building
* Low-energy vehicle

Sustainable development portal
Energy portal

* Marine fuel management
* Minimum Efficiency Performance Standards
* MIT Design Advisor
* Oil price increases since 2003
* One Watt Initiative
* Over-consumption
* Passive house
* Plug-in hybrid
* Renewable heat
* Smart grid
* Solar energy
* Superinsulation
* Sustainability
* Renewable heat
* Thermal efficiency
* Timeline of environmental events
* Zero energy building

[edit] References

* Gary Steffy, Architectural Lighting Design, John Wiley and Sons (2001) ISBN 0-471-38638-3
* Lumina Technologies, Analysis of energy consumption in a San Francisco Bay Area research office complex, for (confidential) owner, Santa Rosa, Ca. May 17, 1996
* GSA paves way for IT-based buildings [17]
* The official homepage for the European Intelligent Metering project. [3]

[edit] Notes

1. ^ "Energy: What do we want to achieve ? - European commission"


. Retrieved 2010-07-29.
2. ^ For an Energy-Efficient Millennium: SAVE 2000

, Directorate-General for Energy
3. ^ Council Directive 92/42/EEC of 21 May 1992 on efficiency requirements for new hot-water boilers fired with liquid or gaseous fuels

4. ^ see for example CHANGING BEHAVIOUR

5. ^ US Dept. of Energy, "Annual Energy Report

" (July 2006), Energy Flow diagram
6. ^ Wackernagel, Mathis and William Rees, 1997, "Perpetual and structural barriers to investing in natural capital: economics from an ecological footprint perspective." Ecological Economics, Vol.20 No.3 p3-24.
7. ^ Carl Marziali (2008). "Does Sustainability Clash with the American Dream?"

Excerpted from USC Trojan Family Magazine feature "Watt Now?"

in Winter 2008 issue.
8. ^ Scott Davis, Dana K. Mirick, Richard G. Stevens (2001). "Night Shift Work, Light at Night, and Risk of Breast Cancer"

. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 93 (20): 1557–1562. doi:10.1093/jnci/93.20.1557

. PMID 11604479


9. ^ Bain, A (1997). "The Hindenburg Disaster: A Compelling Theory of Probable Cause and Effect". Procs. NatL Hydr. Assn. 8th Ann. Hydrogen Meeting, Alexandria, Va., March 11–13,: 125–128.
10. ^ Lumina Technologies Inc., Santa Rosa, Ca., Survey of 156 California commercial buildings energy use, August, 1996
11. ^ Best Buy Optimas Award Winner for 2007

12. ^ European Commission of the Institute for Environment and Sustainability, "Electricity Consumption and Efficiency Trends in the Enlarged European Union [1]

", 2006
13. ^ The Difficulties of Energy Efficiency. "The Elusive Negawatt [2]

", 2008
14. ^ July 2009 European Commission's Directorate-General for Energy and Transport initiative, "Energy Savings from Intelligent Metering and Behavioural Change (INTELLIGENT METERING)

", 2009
15. ^ Breukers, Heiskanen, et al. (2009). Interaction schemes for successful demand-side management. Deliverable 5 of the CHANGING BEHAVIOUR

project. Funded by the EC (#213217)
16. ^ Toolkit

for managers of energy conservation projects: How to learn about people's topical concerns
17. ^ Robb, Drew (2007-06-02). "GSA paves way for IT-based buildings - Government Computer News"


. Retrieved 2010-07-29.

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