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Part 2

Saturday 8 January 2011

up board date sheet 2011

up board date sheet 2012
The CBSE date sheet could be described, as a dynamic package comprising lots of benefits, advantages and few rumors. When we look at the benefits, then the first and foremost feature would be the declaration of the date sheets, well in advance to the examinations. This helps both the students and the schools, as they could also organize their activities, prior to the examination. Thus, it eliminates the exam tension for the students and the risk of organizing the examination procedures at the last minute for the schools. The general pattern for the CBSE date sheet comprises of the subject names, subject codes, date and time of the examination, besides the board specification, i.e. whether it is for secondary education, or higher secondary education syllabus. One can expect the display of many forms of date sheets in the future:
  • As CBSE has recently introduced the CCE based syllabus for the 10th standard and 9th standard students. According to the CCE syllabus, the 10th standard students would not be having any public examination, rather they would get evaluated through the internal assessment system, comprising of formative and summative assessments. Hence, probably the date sheet might be consisting of the schedule details for the two types of the assessments.
  • Next, a new format might get introduced for the aptitude test that is designed and yet to be accomplished for the interested students, namely the ‘Students Global Aptitude Index (SGAI)’.
Already the CBSE is displaying the date sheets for various examinations and activities, such as, AIEEE, AIPMT, CBSE India level quiz program, 10th and 12th compartment exams, and for the exams that are majorly conducted for improving the grades, etc… these are considered to be the most significant features of the date sheet activities of the CBSE. The compartment exams are conducted for the students, who have scored fail marks in the examinations and the improvement of grades exams are conducted for the students, who have scored lower grades such as, E1 and E2.
In fact the CBSE affiliated schools are bestowed with a great opportunity, because the CBSE would do the major work of scheduling the examinations and hence, the schools are left only with the objective of organizing the examinations. But, the fact that it is likely influenced by the activities such as, public happenings, government rules and regulations, regulations/changes proposed by the Delhi Board of Secondary Education, public elections, and major nationwide events, such as Common Wealth Games, etc.
The normal news that is spread about the CBSE date sheets would be that it might get delayed, because of the above mentioned happenings. This in turn disturbs the people, who are in turn associated with the CBSE education system, like, students, schools, parents, teachers, and other related people. Hence, the CBSE date sheet might comfort the people at one hand, but on the other hand, it appears to be an unexpected activity, as it entirely lies in the hands of the CBSE! Thus, whoever associated with the CBSE has to wait for the date sheets to get released.

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