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Part 2

Saturday 13 November 2010

Today’s Lady News 16 & Pregnant Girl Kicked Out Of House For Not Getting Abortion

Today’s Lady News 16 & Pregnant Girl Kicked Out Of House For Not Getting Abortion
According to our friends at The Stir, refusing to have an abortion got Emily, the young Alabama girl on this season of MTV’s “16 and Pregnant,” kicked out of her mom’s house. On this week’s episode, Emily moved an hour away to her dad’s house and had to start high school at a new school while pregnant. Really sad. [The Stir]
Nebraska’s Dr. Leroy Carhart, the last abortion provider to publicly admit to providing late-term abortions, said he will be expanding his practice to three more states because Nebraska has been so successful restricting abortion. The first clinic will open in Maryland, outside of Washington, D.C., on Dec. 6. “We need a place where we can help our patients, without the harassment of the courts,” said Dr. Carhart. [KETV]
Antoine Dodson and family are moving to Hollywood to film a reality show. That has to be the weirdest thing that has ever happened as a result of an attempted rape. [Colorlines]
Iran failed to get a seat on the new United Nations agency for women’s rights called UN Women. However, Saudi Arabia, which prohibits women from driving and won’t let a woman travel without permission from a male guardian, did get a seat. [AFP]
Flavorwire’s list of “10 essential books from the last 25 years” only includes one written by a woman: Zadie Smith’s White Teeth. Really, that’s the only essential book written by a woman in the past 25 years? [FlavorWire]
Cathie Black, chairwoman of Hearst Magazines, has been appointed the first-ever female chancellor of the New York City public school system. Some critics said an educator, not a businesswoman, should run the school system, but Mayor Michael Bloomberg said he wanted a top-notch manager. [New York Times]
Five female soccer players at a high school in Needham, Massachusetts, have been suspended for allegedly hazing younger team members by blindfolding them and dragging them across the field in dog leashes and throwing pies in their faces. [MSNBC]
Opponents of legal abortion picked up seats in Massachusetts’ House of Representatives during the last election. NARAL Pro-Choice Massachusetts said only 81 members of the 160-member house are staunchly in favor of legal abortion. [Boston Herald]
Yesterday I posted about a little girls’ Day Spa Set sold by toy company MindWare, which sells “brainy toys for kids.” I said I don’t think beauty product toys for girls particularly deserve to be called “brainy.” But my friend, blogger Veronica Arreola, the mother of an elementary school girl, begs to disagree with me. “The spa kit isn’t what I would get her myself, but as the years swirl past me, I have learned I need to pick my battles,” Veronica wrote. “Am I really going to throw down over a spa kit? Plus, Mindware’s search box on the left doesn’t ask if you want to search by gender, which is a HUGE sign of progress. So do I wish my daughter would squeal about a microscope? Kinda. But she did gawk at the chemistry set!” [Girl w/Pen] co-founder Jessica Valenti dropped out of a panel discussion about “young feminists” because the organizers included a woman from the “virulently anti-feminist Independent Women’s Forum,” whom Valenti does not want to give legitimacy to as a “feminist” by speaking alongside her. []
Artist Yoko Ono said sexism and racism made her an easy scapegoat for the Beatles’ breakup. [TV Squad]
Entrepreneurial women supposedly flourish on the West Coast more so than the East Coast, say lady entrepreneurs. [New York Times]
On Monday, Washington celebrated 100 years of votes for women in the state with some good old-time-y costumes and “Let Women Vote” signs. Cute. [Seattle Post-Intelligencer]
The National Women’s Law Center filed complaints against 12 school districts today, claiming they are violating Title IX by not offering equal opportunities to female athletes. [Wall Street Journal]

While visiting Australia, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton voiced support of “burqa bans” in countries like France in regards to thwarting female suicide bombers. [Sydney Morning Herald]
Canadian novelist Emma Donaghue, author of Room, won the $25,000 Rogers Writers’ Trust Prize for fiction given out in Toronto yesterday. Room was also a finalist for the prestigious Man Booker Prize. []
A U.K. court is currently hearing a sexual discrimination lawsuit filed by Miriam O’Reilly regarding three former BBC cohosts on the show “Countryfile.” O’Reilly claims the women were canned because of ageism and sexism, while the sole male co-host, John Craven, was kept on the program. [The Guardian]
Germany’s Family Minister Kristina Schroder talks about feminism, namely how she does not identify as one but her best friend teaches feminist theory at a university. “For me emancipation will only be truly reached if a woman can wear makeup and skirts without having her abilities doubted as a result,” Schroder said. Here, here! [Spiegel DE]
A young girl’s relationship with her mother can have an impact on what age she gives birth to her first child, according to a new study out of Newcastle University in the U.K. Apparently, girls who are separated from their moms get pregnant two years earlier than other girls. [BBC]

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